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Phone: (512) 703-5221

Rainey Street safety changes set to finish by this …

‘For lease’ sign at Valentina’s Tex Mex BBQ is new …

Three arrested in connection with north Austin homicide

Austin City Council to vote on HOME part 2, land …

Ex-Indeed employee talks about the challenges of …

Senators reviews Texas universities’ progress with …

RFK Jr. claims enough signatures for ballot in Texas

Student makes accusation against UT professor during …

Austin ranks among most expensive cities to see a …

Bullock Museum celebrates lowriding culture in Texas …

Report: Congress must take immediate action to defend …

Managing mental health

Lago Vista council members vote to censure mayor

KXAN News Today | Tuesday, May 14 morning headlines

Why you should conserve water

Round Rock charging non-resident fee for library …

Tsunamis, augmented reality and art; Austin-lab helps …

New super computer helps artists bring scientists’ …

Austin Environment Report: Parks

Some in Kyle worry about the future of water, council …

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