This story is part of a KXAN series of reports called “Stop Mass Shootings,” providing context and exploring solutions surrounding gun violence in the wake of the deadly Uvalde school shooting. We want our reports to be a resource for Texans, as well as for lawmakers who are convening a month after the events in Uvalde to discuss how the state should move forward. Explore all “Stop Mass Shootings” stories by clicking here.

AUSTIN (KXAN) — People sent in questions of their own now that KXAN’s new “Stop Mass Shootings” reporting project debuted to provide context and explore solutions about gun violence after the deadly Uvalde school shooting.

The series of reports are meant to serve as a resource for Texans as well as state lawmakers, who are convening a month after the tragedy in Uvalde to chart a path forward in terms of policy.

KXAN combed through dozens of questions submitted by viewers during the past few days. Many of them focused on three themes in particular: school safety, mental health and video games.

Other KXAN Live Conversations on this topic:

On the latter topic, KXAN’s digital reporter Grace Reader recently spoke to experts and looked through research after people wondered how mental health concerns linked to video games and violent media. What she found is that significant research shows violent media “does not make well people psychologically ill,” according to a Texas State journalism professor.

Reader joined digital anchor Will DuPree on Friday to talk in-depth about what answers she’s found from other people’s questions as well as discuss various aspects of the new “Stop Mass Shootings” project.