MARBLE FALLS, Texas (KXAN) — Broken windows, shattered windshields, and fallen branches — just some of the things people in Marble Falls woke up to Wednesday morning following a hail storm.

“They say a tornado sounds like a freight train. It sounded like a freight train,” Ronald Martin, who lives in Marble Falls and watched the storm pass over him, said about his experience.
Martin said the hail was falling so hard it looked like snow. “I’ve seen a snowstorm so thick that it stopped windshield wipers, and it was like that. It was just extreme,” he explained.
Martin’s three vehicles escaped with little to no damage. His Harley Davidson was not even touched, but his neighbors in the apartment complex where he lives were not as lucky.
“It was almost kind of scary,” Donna Roberts explained. Her truck has a crater-sized crack in the windshield, part of her truck frame is bent, and there are dents over the entire vehicle. Multiple vehicles in the complex no longer had back windshields because they were busted out.

Hail ranged in size from a golf ball to a tennis ball. Martin saved a piece of hail that fell on his roof and said it used to be baseball-size before shrinking.

Marble Falls police said the storm passed over 90% of the town, hitting the middle of town the most severely. It also said one person suffered minor injuries from being caught in the hail storm. There are no ongoing issues following the hail storm.