BASTROP COUNTY, Texas (KXAN) — Currently, State Highway 21 between County Road and Old Highway 20, consists of two southbound lanes and one northbound lane, with some dedicated left turn lanes.
The Texas Department of Transportation is proposing widening SH 21 to a four-lane divided highway with a grassy median. A new bridge would also be constructed at the intersection of SH 21 and US 290.
The project is a seven-mile stretch of SH 21 in Eastern Bastrop County that functions as a local thoroughfare and commuter highway. TxDOT has proposed these changes to SH 21 to accommodate projected traffic volumes and to improve safety and mobility.

TxDOT is hosting a public meeting on Thursday April 25th from 5 -7 p.m. at the Ridgeway Baptist Church in Paige, Texas. If you can’t make the in person meeting, you can send in your comments until May 30th, 2024. Tap here to send in a comment.
You can learn more about the project here. TxDOT will host a public meeting this fall, with an anticipated environmental decision next spring.